Kamusta bloggers, this lesson in drama we need to make a blog that is a recap of what we have been doing in drama this term.

1st – 2nd week we read a story called the three billy goats gruff. We had to make an illustration/comic about the plot. We also wrote facts about the story.


3rd – 4th week we read a story called Denny. We drew a boy and wrote some emotions that he might have felt in the story. We also had to act it out with our group. My group was my friends Xyryll and Samantha.


5th – 6th week we were learning about silent movies. We learned why they made silent movies,how they made it, and how to make one.

Why did they make silent movies and not just regular ones? – Its because back then they couldn’t add sounds to the movies so they just added music and pretended to say words/act it out.


7th – 8th week we actually did a silent movie. We sorted ourselves into groups and we were assigned a story to act out. The people in my group were Kirby,Josh,Xyryll, and Sam. The story was all about a sheriff who went to a bar and the bad guy also went to the bar and they started to fight.

Our roles:

Kirby – The gold miner (who found lots of gold and bought people drinks)

Josh – Bartender

Samantha – sheriff

Xyryll – Pianist

Me/Kirsten – The bad guy


9th – 10th week we started planning/practicing what we were gonna do to honor matariki. My group chose to do a play (The moon goddess). We were in a big group. We were a group of eight!! I had to assign everyone their roles and what they were gonna do. We also voted people because people were fighting over roles.

Our roles:

Hunter – he was the jealous brother

David – The big bird/soldier

Kirby – Sun god (Bad prince)

Joshua/Josh – Vulture king (Good prince)

Me/Kirsten – Moon goddess

Xyryll – Big bird/soldier

Samantha/Sam – Old person/soldier


We also learned about FARTSS





Moon goddess


Thats all for this blog. Bye.

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